Junior Sister Sheila Bennett, let’s be honest. You are mad as hell at me and I am as mad as hell at you.
Why am I so upset? – my baby died.
Why are you upset? – I dared stand up to your bullying.
I fought the hospital and exposed the lies – the lies written in black and white that prove Hayley was put in isolation under false pretences.
Just look at the isolation request form – you were in charge of isolation.
I made some very serious allegations against you in my Official Complaint Letter which I wrote after Hayley died.
I had no proof, no facts to back me up but I knew – I just knew something was rotten and I was determined to find out who endangered Hayley’s life. Who was responsible for her death.
She was my little girl and she died – hell hath no fury like a mother scorned. I asked the investigation team to let me speak to you so you could explain what happened.
They told me I was being unreasonable and it wouldn’t be productive. Junior Sister Shelia Bennett you can contact me on ‘Share a story and I swear I will post it word for word.