It is not only children…. it is with adults as well..

Hi, I am writing to you as I can understand how you feel. I have been in a less dramatical situation but I had my relative in hospital, and I do think actual physicians seemed not to understand much about the human body anymore.
My relative has been neglected a few times and consider with mental illness when in fact we believe is suffering from neurological/blood disorder illness. It is a long story, but is not yet over! I am sorry how your story ended, God bless you for your strength to go ahead in life. Just be aware that is not only with children, it happens the same with adults, and they do not listen our views, at least they do not explain why they do not take action when we think our relatives needs emergency care.
I wish you the best of luck, best wishes.
Remember to go ahead life is short and the people around, that loves you suffer if you suffer.

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